Banking and Insurance Assistant for Enterprise

Use the power of Conversational AI to address any challenges in the financial services industry - from common to complex


Banks face the demand for instant answers in online and mobile banking, requiring personalisation to meet customer needs


A personal assistant inside a branded mobile bank app provides customised financial advice, guiding customers to suitable services


Banking Assistant lowers costs, boosts retention, revenue, and enhances customer experience and employee productivity

Compliant & Validated for Security with IBM

Tovie AI’s conversational AI solutions for Financial Services are validated and available on the IBM Cloud for Financial Services®.

We are the first vendor in the Conversational AI space to be validated by IBM Cloud for Financial Services. All our conversational solutions are now automatically compliant for FS organisations.

Powerful and efficient

Leverage AI-powered conversational banking assistant for enterprise to automate routine tasks, reduce churn, cut costs and transform the overall customer experience

Lower customer support costs

Most users name poor customer support among the top reasons for switching service providers.  A conversational AI banking bot enables 24/7 support and enhances the overall customer experience.

Speedier payment services

Finance organisations can deploy conversational AI interfaces to significantly cut down time-to-payment with purpose-built sales bots.

Improved customer acquisition

Personalised experiences

AI banking chatbots can use data and tailor a customer experience based on their preferences, previous queries, and personal details - all this within a secure infrastructure.

Human-like interactions

AI-powered banking bots respond to customer queries more naturally and conversationally. Offering a more engaging customer experience, AI bots increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Multilingual support

AI chatbots for banking communicate with customers in multiple languages, allowing financial organisations to assist international customers, и speak the language they are comfortable with.

Cross-selling and up-selling

Banking bots can suggest relevant products and services to customers based on their preferences and behaviour, increasing the likelihood of upgrading the customer to a higher-end item. Moreover, decision engines can predict each customer’s likelihood of responding to a cross-sell or up-sell offer, be it a mortgage, loan or any other offer.

Increased accessibility

Conversational interfaces enable communication through text, voice, and other means, making financial services accessible to people with disabilities and providing an inclusive customer experience.

Smart. Scalable. Streamlined

Add any necessary functionality to Tovie AI Bank Assistant to meet your business needs

Enable automatic callbacks

Automated call-back solution is perfect for those who want to offer exceptional customer service, but are not ready for full-scale automation.

Telephony-based virtual banking assistant that intercepts incoming customer calls and schedules a call-back with the next available agent by supplying the customer with available times.

This solution focuses on reducing average handling time and customer wait times by scheduling customer calls when agents have availability and arming them with context about a particular customer’s query/issue before they call back.

Flexible APIs mean the solution can be integrated with any existing booking software used by the agents should the APIs be available.

Automate common use cases

Pre-built scenarios and ready-to-go templates to deal with common scenarios for banking and insurance spaces

Bank locations &  working hours

Services and contacts

Credit Score

Password reset

PIN reset

Card Activation

Change address

Account information

Check balance

Transfer money

Internal transfers

External transfers

Pay bills

Recurring & scheduled transfers

View account balances

View available funds

Check affordability

External accounts

Security alerts

Offer AI-assisted money management

A banking virtual assistant to help customers with managing their money - a financial advisor in a pocket, an AI-powered personal assistant

Get account statement

View transactions

View spending categories

Set budgets & savings goals

Overdraft alerts

Spending recommendations

External account transactions

Balance & withdrawal alerts

Payment reminders

Enable internal agent support

AI assistant supports agent-to-customer interactions, helping them reach KPIs faster

Instant data entry

Сomplex navigation sequence

Connecting to the knowledge base

Retrieving relevant information

Offering context-based guidance

Provide immediate answers

High-impact and personalised customer experience

Conversational AI for banking and insurance creates more efficient, accurate, and satisfying interaction experiences at each stage of the customer journey

  • Speech and intent recognition
  • Engaging conversations
  • Multilingual support
  • Omnichannel communication

Seamless connection to any CRM, communication channel or payment terminal

Discover how Tovie AI solutions cater to the needs of enterprise clients in banking and insurance

Technologically advanced

While always making, Tovie AI eagerly explores new and advanced technologies like GPT and LLM, successfully integrating them into products and technologies. We can always enhance our offering with new capabilities at a client’s demand

Let Tovie AI solutions take your customer experience to the next level


How is AI used in banking and insurance?

Conversational AI serves as a vital link between businesses and individuals, providing engaging experiences at every interaction. Initially designed for FAQ support, it now facilitates customer interactions across touchpoints, from information retrieval to transactions and re-engagement. The top three use cases include lead generation, customer support, and re-engagement through reminders and notifications.

What are the benefits of AI in finance and insurance?

AI-driven assistance ensures customers receive accurate and consistent responses, allowing them to express their needs in their own words. Offering 24/7 support with minimal wait time maximises engagement. If the AI app faces a complex inquiry, it can seamlessly transfer the request to a live agent with reference data from the automated interaction.

How can AI enhance customer experience?

AI enables businesses to predict and address customer needs with tailored offerings and messages across communication touchpoints. Smart bots use conversational data for increased personalisation and actionable business insights, making them ideal for meeting the demands of today's online customers.

How can AI improve the employee experience?

AI automation, from recruitment to everyday employee management, enhances HR efficiency and quickly answers staff queries. Common HR bot use cases include recruitment, onboarding, automation of documentation processes, and acting as a general help desk for employees.

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